if (isset($_GET['error'])) $error = $_GET['error'];
if (isset($_GET['s_name'])) $s_name = $_GET['s_name'];
if (isset($_GET['s_vorname'])) $s_vorname = $_GET['s_vorname'];
if (isset($_GET['s_strasse'])) $s_strasse = $_GET['s_strasse'];
if (isset($_GET['s_plz'])) $s_plz = $_GET['s_plz'];
if (isset($_GET['s_ort'])) $s_ort = $_GET['s_ort'];
if (isset($_GET['s_land'])) $s_land = $_GET['s_land'];
if ($s_land == '') $s_land = 'DE';
if (isset($_GET['s_landname'])) $s_landname = $_GET['s_landname'];
if (isset($_GET['s_tel'])) $s_tel = $_GET['s_tel'];
if (isset($_GET['s_mail'])) $s_mail = $_GET['s_mail'];
if (isset($_GET['s_nachricht'])) $s_nachricht = $_GET['s_nachricht'];
if (isset($_GET['s_agb'])) $s_agb = $_GET['s_agb'];
$fehler = array();
$fehler['name']['de'] = 'Bitte Ihren Namen angeben:';
$fehler['name']['en'] = 'Please enter your last name:';
$fehler['vorname']['de'] = 'Bitte Ihren Voramen angeben:';
$fehler['vorname']['en'] = 'Please enter your first name:';
$fehler['strasse']['de'] = 'Bitte Ihre Straße angeben:';
$fehler['strasse']['en'] = 'Please enter your street:';
$fehler['ort']['de'] = 'Bitte PLZ und Ort angeben:';
$fehler['ort']['en'] = 'Please enter postal code and city:';
$fehler['kontakt']['de'] = 'Bitte Ihre Telefonnummer oder Mailadresse angeben:';
$fehler['kontakt']['en'] = 'Please enter your telephone number or email address:';
$fehler['landname']['de'] = 'Bitte den Ländernamen angeben:';
$fehler['landname']['en'] = 'Please enter the country name:';
$fehler['agb']['de'] = 'Um bestellen zu können, müssen Sie unseren allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen zustimmen:';
$fehler['agb']['en'] = 'To order, you must agree to our terms and conditions:';
$txt = array();
$txt['headline']['de'] = '2. Adresse eingeben';
$txt['headline']['en'] = '2. Enter address';
$txt['nachname']['de'] = 'Name:';
$txt['nachname']['en'] = 'Last name:';
$txt['vorname']['de'] = 'Vorname:';
$txt['vorname']['en'] = 'First name:';
$txt['strasse']['de'] = 'Straße:';
$txt['strasse']['en'] = 'Street:';
$txt['plz']['de'] = 'PLZ:';
$txt['plz']['en'] = 'Postal code:';
$txt['ort']['de'] = 'Ort:';
$txt['ort']['en'] = 'City:';
$txt['land']['de'] = 'Land:';
$txt['land']['en'] = 'Country:';
$txt['landname']['de'] = 'Ländername:';
$txt['landname']['en'] = 'Country name:';
$txt['mail']['de'] = 'eMail:';
$txt['mail']['en'] = 'E-mail:';
$txt['tel']['de'] = 'Telefon:';
$txt['tel']['en'] = 'Telephone:';
$txt['nachricht']['de'] = 'Nachricht:';
$txt['nachricht']['en'] = 'Message:';
$txt['agb']['de'] = 'AGB:';
$txt['agb']['en'] = 'Terms and conditions:';
$txt['agb_ok']['de'] = 'AGB akzeptiert:';
$txt['agb_ok']['en'] = 'Accepted';
$txt['agb_lesen']['de'] = 'AGB lesen';
$txt['agb_lesen']['en'] = 'Read terms and conditions';
$xx = '';
echo ''.$txt['headline'][$l].' '; ?> |
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