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rocusfocus :: Rock Shots aus 6 Jahrzehnten – von 1967 bis heute
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0 Pos. 0,00 EUR
Rock Shots from 6 Decades – from 1967 until today

  Ana Popovic
Machine Head
Klaus Renft Combo
New Model Army
Siena Root
Jeff Beck
Beth Hart
Asaf Avidan and the Mojos
Fairport Convention
Arthur Brown
Pete York
Golden Earring
Tony Joe White
Rod Stewart and Faces

Carl van der Walle
Rockin' shots

His shots have been taken in front of the stage, on stage but also backstage. In his photos, you experience the legendary concerts of rock music one more time. Carl van der Walle managed to get all the major names of the scene in front of his camera: Mick Jagger, Peter Gabriel or Jimi Hendrix. The vivid music scene of the 60s and 70s arises again while looking at the shots of the photographer from Dortmund. The witness Carl van der Walle reports from the time of his youth at first hand, documenting touching moments of an entire generation.

However, Carl van der Walle has also set up an impressive and atmospherically dense collection of rock shots ranging from the period after the 70s until today; rock shots from 6 decades – from 1967 until today!

The search for the right photographic moment has inspired van der Walle, born in 1949, to visit concert halls. His first photo, showing The Rolling Stones, was taken at the town hall in Bremen (Bremer Stadthalle) in 1967. In his shots, van der Walle depicts the beginnings and the progress of rock music. His pictures also show emotional nuances that weren't always harmonious, and thus a unique documentation of a music style along with its typical poses and cultural influences has come into being.
1949 Born in Walle / Lower Saxony
1963 First attempts in photography with the more than 20 years old family camera
1964 Growing enthusiasm for beat music
1965 First visit to a concert performed by an internationally known band "Casey Jones and the Governors" - still without a camera ...
1966 Establishing a beat club, along with fellow-football players;
the title of the club had the same name as the cult television show launched by Radio Bremen in 1965
1967 First shots at a beat concert with the Rolling Stones in Bremen
1970 Juli Pop festival in Aachen with shots of Can and Mungo Jerry
1970 Aug Isle of Wight festival with shots of many rock stars (among others Jimi Hendrix, The Who, Emerson Lake & Palmer, Joan Baez, Jethro Tull, etc.)
1970 Sep First publication of rock photos in a daily newspaper
1970-1973 Visiting numerous concerts and festivals (among others Pink Floyd 1972, Steppenwolf 1972, The Who 1972, Rolling Stones 1973)
1973-1979 Course of studies
1979-2001 Working as a teacher
From 2001 Increasingly busy as a "rock photographer"


2002 "Sing me the songs of yesterday" at Taranta Babu, Dortmund
2004 "Rock photos from five decades of rock history"
at Gallery "arke", Dortmund
2006 "talkin' 'bout my generation" at DASA, Dortmund
2006 "talkin' 'bout my generation" at F&H Public Relations, Munich
(extended range as of June)
2007 "Just Wanna See His Face - The faces of the Rolling Stones" joint exhibition with Sebastian Krüger at Rock' n 'Pop Museum, Gronau
2008 "The Beat Goes On", joint exhibition with Gered Mankowitz, Patty Boyd, Ethan Russell, Dezo Hofman et al. At the V!P's International Art Galerie, Rotterdam
2009 "It's Only Rock' n' Roll", joint exhibition with Henk Bosmain at Lichtzone, Groningen
2012 Annual permanent exhibition at the hotel, bar and gallery "The Golden" in Portobello Road, Notting Hill, London
2015 "Rock Around The Wall" - Rock Legends "Then And Now" at the "Altes Museum am Ostwall", Dortmund
2016 "My Guitar Heroes" within the framework of the Guitarfestival Oberhausen
Polish Cultural Restaurant Gdanska, Oberhausen
2017 "50 Years of Rock Photography with Carl van der Walle" - Music Theater Piano, Dortmund.
Opened by guitarist Dick Taylor as part of a "Pretty thing" concert.
2018 Carl van der Walle: Isle of Wight Festival 50th Anniversary Exhibition
Plus Music from Dick Taylor (of The Pretty Things) & Tony Minx
June 1 - July 1, 2018 - Ventnor Exchange / Isle of Wightt
2019 Silver anniversary and 70th birthday of club manager Manni Engelhardt of the Rolling Stones Club Aachen/ Stolberg. Rolling Stones exhibition with Ole Ohlendorff, Rosie Geisler, Carl v. d. Walle and Gerd Coordes (06.07.2019)
2019 "The club of the dead rock stars: Jimi, Janis, Jim and others" and tribute concert with Ali Neander, Achim Dürr and Jessica Born. Photo exhibition of the rock music photographers Carl v.d. Walle, Hartmut Hennig and Gerd Coordes. Organiser: Volker Rebell, Rebell(i)sche Studiobühne, Offenbach (26.10. to 07.12.2019)
2022 "Rock-Legends - Carl van der Walle", Exhibition from 10.09. to 19.11.2022 in Aurich with a selection of the best pictures in the hometown of Carl van der Walle.

The beginnings – Carl van der Walle was attracted by beat music very early ...

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rocusfocus - rock shots from 6 decades - from 1967 until today - all rights reserved: Carl van der Walle - phone: +49 (0)162-9137210 - vanderwalle@rocusfocus.com
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